
  • Cold

    Denali Spot Merchandiser

    Refrigerated Produce Merchandiser | Cold

The Denali Produce Merchandiser from Southern CaseArts offers convenience and flexibility to your produce department. This self-contained case is available in two lengths with a
variety of optional removable step risers, dividers or shelves to provide maximum display area for your fresh fruits and vegetables. Customers will love the attractive open display and you will love that it can be easily moved throughout the department for seasonal merchandising.


Product Features

Additional Features

• Nominal Length: 5.8’ & 7.8’
• Interior Lighting: Optional 3500K LED canopy light
• Shelving: Optional four or six-step riser, modular divider, or modular shelves
• Self-Contained
• Exterior: Black powder coat


5.8' & 7.8.'

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